Occult, Spiritual and Esoteric (Alternative) Books
Here are some of the most important works on spirituality, occult and mysticism in PDFs! Including areas such as : Alchemy, Astrology, Kabbalah, Ceremonial (Ritual) Magick, Hermetism, UFOlogy, Conspiracy Theories, Secret Societies... My intention is to illuminate some of the generaly unknown or misinterpreted information.
Unfortunately the entire original thread begun and dedicatedly maintained and updated by tehuti was lost. I am starting it anew but cannot restore all the posts I had contributed. I start with as many as I can restore from the original thread.
Manly P. Hall Audio Lectures (MP3 format with covers):
See list of all available at home page:
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http://www.prs.org/audioseries-mph.htm |
As the web site states: A Note Regarding Manly P. Hall’s Tapes: Some of these tapes were made in less than ideal settings and with mono-channel recording equipment. These are vintage recordings of Manly P. Hall in the everyday surroundings of PRS and from lectures and seminars over the years past. We hope you enjoy them as they are.
So quality is not the best with some.
Alchemy 7 hours
1. Adepts of the Alchemical Tradition
2. Hermetic Symbols of the Great Work
3. Human Regeneration by Alchemy
4. Chinese and Tibetan Alchemy
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060271/9b74953/Manly_P._Hall_-_Alchemy.rar.html |
The Atlantean Hypothesis 9.5 hours
1. Atlantean Records in Greece & Egypt
2. Atlantean Records in India & China
3. Atlantean Records in Africa & Polynesia
4. Atlantean Records in Europe
5. Atlantean Records in Ancient America
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061430/e42df7d/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Atlantean_Hypothesis.rar.html |
Interpreting Great Legends of the World 9 hours
1. Mystery of the Iron Tower (India)
2. The Gesar Khan (Tibet)
3. The Court of the Sea King (Japan)
4. The Queen of Heaven (China)
5. The Golden Legend (Europe)
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060933/a44b044/Manly_P._Hall_-_Interpreting_Great_Legends_of_the_World.rar.html |
The Mystery Meaning of the Ancient Rituals 9 hours
1. The Initiation Rites of Ancient Egypt
2. The State Mysteries of Greece & Rome
3. Esoteric Rituals in Early America
4. Secret Ceremonies in China & Japan
5. The Secret Symbolism of the Christian Mass
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060941/b9db6c6/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Mystery_and_Meaning_of_the_Ancient_Rituals.rar.html |
ASTRO-THEOLOGY How Astrology Has Influence Mankind 9 hours
1. Zodiac & the Great Platonic Year
2. Astrology & Universal Cosmology
3. Planets & the Ancient Gods
4. Great Solar Symbol of the Messiah
5. Journey of the Human Soul Through the Astrological Cycles
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060985/0193386/Manly_P._Hall_-_Astrotheology.rar.html |
Special Edition compiled for students of “Learning to Live by Living to Learn” 9.5 hours
1. The Beginnings of Human Life
2. The Rise of Mankind in Nature
3. The Origins of Race & Language
4. Ensouling of Humanity
5. The Future of the Human Race
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061701/0ce0e1f/Manly_P._Hall_-_Esoteric_Anthropology.rar.html |
1. The Self That Senses
2. The Self That Thinks
3. The Self That Wills
4. The Self That Grows
5. The Real Self
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060934/fd2a915/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Five-Fold_Nature_of_the_Self.rar.html |
Studies In Man, Grand Symbol of the Mysteries 9.5 hours
1. Embryology & the Story of the Cell
2. Brain & Release of the Soul
3. Heart, the Seat of Life
4. Spinal Column & the Kundalini
5. Pineal Gland & the Endocrine System
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061746/1d00434/Manly_P._Hall_-_Man__Grand_Symbol_of_the_Mysteries.rar.html |
The Mysteries of the Cabala 8 hours
1. Ancient of Days – Nature of the Godhead
2. Mother of the Mysteries – Processes of Creation
3. Angel of the Presence – Administration of Universal Law
4. Chariot of Righteousness – Mystical Disciplines of Cabalism & Yoga
5. Everlasting House – Restoration of Heaven & Earth
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060268/67b9c04/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Mysteries_of_the_Cabala.rar.html |
Practical Mysticism in Modern Living 8.5 hours
1. Mystical Content in Scientific Knowledge
2. Mystical Directives to Personal Action
3. Mystical Aspects of Modern Medicine
4. Mystical Overtones in Culture & Society
5. Mystical Trends in Modern Psychology
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060623/a834639/Manly_P._Hall_-_Unseen_Forces_that_Affect_our_Lives.rar.html |
The Atom in Religion and Philosophy 9 hours
1. Greek Philosopher-Atomists
2. Atomic Research in India & China
3. Atomism in Early European Philosophy
4. How Modern Philosophy Can Cope With the Atom
5. The Spiritual Challenge of the Atomic Age
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060272/2141e15/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Universe_According_to_Esoteric_Philosophy.rar.html |
The Cycle of the Phoenix - A New Approach to the Philosophy of History 9.5 hours
1. 600 BC - Era of Ancient Teachers
2. 1 AD - Christian Era
3. 600 AD - Moslem Era
4. 1200 AD - Era of Intellectual Restoration
5. 1800 AD - Era of Social Liberation
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061344/2c6618e/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Cycle_of_the_Phoenix_-_A_New_Approach_to_the_Philosophy_of_History.rar.html |
Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus 9 hours
1. Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy
2. Hermeticism, Gnosticism & Neoplatonism
3. Great Body of the Hermetic Literature
4. Influence of Hermetic Tradition on Christianity
5. The Principle Text, Divine Pymander
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060899/c333e75/Manly_P._Hall_-_Doctrines_of_Hermes_Trismegistus.rar.html |
Doctrines of Neoplatonism 8.5 hours
1. Proclus on the Theology of Plato
2. Iamblichus on the Mysteries
3. Plotinus the Beautiful
4. Porphyry on the Wanderings of Ulysses
5. Julian on the Mother of the Gods
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060277/4380598/Manly_P._Hall_-_Doctrines_of_Neoplatonism.rar.html |
Esoteric Philosophy of H.P. Blavatsky 9 hours
1. Source of “The Secret Doctrine”
2. Indian Philosophy as Interpreted by H.P. Blavatsky
3. Inner Teachings of Lamaism
4. “Voice of the Silence” as Mahayana Buddhism
5. Raja Yoga of H.P. Blavatsky
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061213/b350cf1/Manly_P._Hall_-_Esoteric_Philosophy_of_H.P._Blavatsky.rar.html |
Exploring Dimensions of Consciousness 9.5 hours
1. Universal & Personal Consciousness
2. Approach to the Preconscious
3. Subconscious States in Nature & Man
4. Consciousness & Mind
5. Superconscious Cognition
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061768/11551c9/Manly_P._Hall_-_Exploring_Dimensions_of_Consciousness.rar.html |
First Principles of Philosophy 8 hours
1. The Four Aspects of Metaphysics
2. Logic & Ethics
3. Psychology & Epistemology
4. Esthetics & Theurgy
5. Symbolism of the Ten Bulls
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_Exploring_Dimensions_of_Consciousness.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/35061322/d443413/Manly_P._Hall_-_Paracelsian_Philosophy.rar.html |
Five Paths of Yoga (9 hours, 68MB)
1. Karma Yoga – The Yoga of Action
2. Hatha Yoga – The Yoga of the Body
3. Bhakti Yoga – The Yoga of Devotion
4. Inana Yoga – The Yoga of Wisdom
5. Raja Yoga – The Royal Path
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061242/8cb3a8b/Manly_P._Hall_-_Five_Paths_of_Yoga.rar.html |
The Great Polarities 8 hours
1. Heaven & Earth
2. God & Man
3. Truth & Error
4. Good & Evil
5. Heart & Mind
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061001/3f22df0/Manly_P._Hall_-_Greek_and_Roman_Deities_as_Personifications_of_Divine_Principles.rar.html |
Invisible Bodies of Men in Hindu Philosophy 9 hours
1. The Sthula Sharira – Physical Body & Its Attributes
2. The Living Shariri – The Etheric & Vital Bodies – Their Function
3. The Kamaru Pa – The Emotional Nature & Its Activities
4. The Rupa & Arupa Manas – Vehicles of the Concrete & Abstract Mind
5. The Buddhic Sheath – The Seat of the Intuitive Principle
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060272/2141e15/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Universe_According_to_Esoteric_Philosophy.rar.html |
Landmarks of Esoteric Literature 9 hours
1. Francis Bacon – “The New Atlantis”
2. Knorr Von Rosenroth – “The Kabbala Unveiled”
3. Arthur Edward Waite – “The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross”
4. Mary Ann Atwood – “A Suggestive Inquiry Into the Hermetic Mystery”
5. H.P. Blavatsky – “The Secret Doctrine”
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060862/55b7f4b/Manly_P._Hall_-_Landmarks_of_Esoteric_Literature.rar.html |
The Love Series 6 hours
1. Human Love
2. Love of Beauty
3. Love of God
4. Love of Nature
5. Love of Truth
6. The Redemptive Power of Love
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060276/900e817/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Love_Series.rar.html |
New Concepts of Therapy for Daily Living 9 hours
1. Constructive Uses of Suggestion & Autosuggestion
2. Recent Progress in Hypnotic Techniques
3. The Value of Group Prayer & Meditation
4. Types of Magnetic Healing
5. Mental Control of the Energy Fields of the Body
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060660/306ee02/Manly_P._Hall_-_New_Concepts_of_Therapy_for_Daily_Living.rar.html |
Paracelsian Philosophy 9.5 hours
1. On Natural & Unnatural Religion & Science
2. Invisible Creatures of the Five Elements
3. Universal Energy & Metaphysical Medicine
4. Doctrine of Sympathetic Forces in Nature
5. Man as a Constellation
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060269/bf4f101/Manly_P._Hall_-_First_Principles_of_Philosophy.rar.html |
The Philosophy of Value 9 hours
1. The Oriental Concept of Value
2. Things as Objects of Value
3. The Ageless Quest for Value
4. Taking Hold of Value
5. Living in the Light of Value
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060944/f55c4fd/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Philosophy_of_Value.rar.html |
Psychological Theory and Practice 9 hours
1. Defense Mechanisms in Daily Conduct
2. Dissociation: The Abrupt Mood Change
3. Prenatal Factors in Psychic Stress
4. The Psychology of Social Integration
5. Cause & Effect in Mental Process
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060631/b0a22e3/Manly_P._Hall_-_Psychological_Theory_and_Practice.rar.html |
Pythagorean Theory of Number 10 hours
1. Basic Philosophy of Numeration & Number
2. The Tetractys & the Motion of Number
3. The Fourth Pythagorean Proposition
4. The Human Soul & Archetypal Number
5. The Symbolism of Numbers
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061777/1a688ec/Manly_P._Hall_-_Pythagorean_Theory_of_Number.rar.html |
Studies in Comparative Mythology 9.5 hours
1. Babylonian Creation Myths
2. Greek Philosophical Mythology
3. Teutonic Hero Myths
4. Buddhist Regeneration Myths
5. Egyptian Myths of the Afterlife
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061319/e48d60c/Manly_P._Hall_-_Studies_in_Comparative_Mythology.rar.html |
Studies in Dream Symbolism 9 hours
1. An Alphabet of Dream Symbols
2. Self-Instruction Through Dreams
3. Warnings & Premonitions – The Dangerous Dream
4. The Dream as a Mystical Experience
5. The Twilight Hour – Dreams Between Sleeping & Waking
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061385/1439d19/Manly_P._Hall_-_Studies_in_Dream_Symbolism.rar.html |
Studies in Self-Unfoldment 9.5 hours
1. Inward Perception
2. The Practice of Concentration
3. The Discipline of Retrospection
4. The Mystery of the Transcendental Personality
5. Realization as Illumination
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061685/65af1b5/Manly_P._Hall_-_Studies_in_Self-Unfoldment.rar.html |
Symbolism of the Great Operas 9 hours
1. Builder of World Peace “The Ring of the Niebelungs” – The Karmic Cycle That Cannot Be Broken
2. “Parsival & Lohengrin” – Esoteric Schools in the Christian World
3. “Faust” – Fall & Resurrection of the Human Soul
4. “The Magic Flute” – The Return of Masonic Initiation to the Modern World
5. “The Meistersingers of Nuremberg”
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060668/f684219/Manly_P._Hall_-_Symbolism_of_the_Great_Operas.rar.html |
The Universe According to Esoteric Philosophy 8.5 hours
1. Of Creation & the Gods
2. Of the Universe & Its Laws
3. Of the Sun & Its Planets
4. Of Nature & Its Kingdoms
5. Of Man – His Origin & Destiny
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060272/2141e15/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Universe_According_to_Esoteric_Philosophy.rar.html |
Unseen Forces that Affect our Lives 8.5 hours
1. The Living Universe Beyond Our Sensory Perceptions
2. Demonism in the 20th Century
3. Obsession & Spirit Possession
4. Thought Forces & Psychic Ghosts
5. Secret Powers & Why We Should Not Use Them
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060623/a834639/Manly_P._Hall_-_Unseen_Forces_that_Affect_our_Lives.rar.html |
The Wisdom Series 6 hours
1. The Challenge of Forever Becoming
2. The Wonder World of Words
3. From Knowledge to Wisdom
4. From Wisdom to Understanding
5. Faiths That Lead to Certainties
6. Now, A Moment in Eternity
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060273/b7c0903/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Wisdom_Series.rar.html |
Worlds in Transition 9 hours
1. Religion Beyond Dogma
2. Science Beyond Materialism
3. Philosophy Beyond Doctrine
4. History Beyond Tradition
5. Education Beyond Authority
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35061364/ec97622/Manly_P._Hall_-_Worlds_in_Transition.rar.html |
The Zen Concept of Intensity Without Tension 8.5 hours
1. The Pressure Mechanism & How It Operates
2. Pressure Arising From Personality Conflicts
3. Pressures Arising From Family Relationships
4. Pressure Associated With Youth, Maturity, & Advancing Years
5. Pressures Arising From Environment & World Conditions
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http://hotfile.com/dl/35060513/66101d9/Manly_P._Hall_-_The_Zen_Concept_of_Intensity_Without_Tension.rar.html |